Establishment & Mission of CoopEst
The mission of CoopEst is to foster the development of a socially rooted financial sector in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). To support financial inclusion and the development of income generating activities, CoopEst provides subordinated and senior debt to eligible financial intermediaries, enabling them to leverage further funding and to expand their outreach
The primary goal of its investments is to empower excluded, low-income beneficiaries and to promote positive changes in their lives.
CoopEst is ending its life cycle, with the contractual maturity of all the bonds in December 2023 and the likely liquidation of the company before June 2024.
Soficatra becomes the first ever European Investment company dedicated to the development of the Social Economy sector within the EU. Inpulse is acting as technical support of Soficatra investment activities.
Launch of CoopEst debt Fund targeting Central and Eastern Europe. Inpulse provides administration support and gains its first experience in the microfinance sector.
The European Investment Fund (EIF) enters CoopEst shareholding.
Inpulse becomes a subsidiary of the French Crédit Coopératif , member of BPCE Group, 2nd banking group in France.
Launch of Helenos equity Fund addressing the entire EU and accession countries, with the support of the European Commission and the European Investment Fund.
The first CoopEst bonds are repaid to bondholders with most of them renewing their subscriptions until 2023.
July 2021, the French NGO Solidarité Internationale pour le Développement et l’Investissement (SIDI) becomes second shareholder of Inpulse.
Launch of ImpaktEU a debt & equity Fund targeting all the EU countries, in partnership with Funds for Good. The fund is dedicated to support MFIs, social enterprises, ethical & cooperative banks in Europe.
CoopEst in key figures
Impact per country
During the 17 years of activity, CoopEst has invested in 11 Central and Eastern European countries – from Lithuania in the North to Albania in the South.
CoopEst Financial Performance
– Number of active partners
– Outstanding portfolio
– Gross and active loan
– Portfolio per instrument
– Portfolio per sector
– Portfolio per sector: proportion
CoopEst European leader in long-term inclusive finance